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Thursday 22 November 2018

Trousers or pants

Trousers are a kind of clothing that are worn on the lower part of the body to cover both legs (instead of cloth stretching across both as in skirts and dresses). They are known as pants in Canada, South Africa and the United States.

Trousers are thought to have originated as a comfortable garment to wear when horse-riding. Asiatic riders realized that when they were clad in leggings, their movement was much less impeded than when they were wrapped in their traditional flowing garment.

A 3,300-year-old discovery in China was announced in June 2014 as the world's oldest trousers. They were found at the Yanghai cemetery in Turpan, Xinjiang, western China. Made of wool, the trousers had straight legs and wide crotches, and were likely made for horseback riding.

The Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras was one of his first countrymen to start wearing trousers instead of the usual skirt. However, most of the ancient Greeks didn't wear trousers because they found them "ridiculous". using the word "thulakoi", ("sack"), as a slang term for the loose trousers of Persians and other Middle Easterners. 

The Romans didn't wear trousers because it was seen as uncivilized and only Barbarians wore pants.

Germanic trousers of the 4th century found in the Thorsberg moor, Germany. By PBullenwächter

Instead of trousers, medieval men often wore long hosen or stockings, on their legs. In the British Isles, where Celts and Saxons had long worn pants called braies or braccae, these hosen were first popularized by the Norman invaders of 1066. 

Hosen were typically made of wool, although some examples appear to have been made of linen (these may have been more popular in warmer climates, like Italy). 

Shakespeare's only reference to trousers is when he talks about "strait strossers" in Henry V.

The word 'trousers' was first recorded in English in 1625. Slightly earlier, the terms 'trouse', 'trews' or 'strossers' were occasionally seen.

Pants and trousers are called pairs because they used to be separate. As early as the 16th century, you'd feed one leg in, tie the top around your waist and do the same with the other leg. The name stayed even when they started being made as a single item.

During the French Revolution, rebels in Paris identified themselves by wearing trousers instead of the knee-length ‘ culottes' of the bourgeoisie. Women rebels demanded the right to wear trousers as well, but were forbidden from doing so. France finally revoked the 214-year-old ban on Parisian women wearing trousers in 2013. 

Early use of trousers in France: a sans-culotte by Louis-Léopold Boilly

In England, loose-fitting breeches were worn in preference to trousers until the 1810s after London resident George Bryan "Beau" Brummell began promoting the wearing of tailored trousers. 

The fashion for longer trousers was not welcomed by all. In 1812, two Cambridge University colleges ordered that students appearing in pantaloons or trousers should be considered as absent, while the clergy of Sheffield were warned that any preacher who wore trousers would not be allowed to occupy a pulpit.

Levi Strauss received US patent No. 139,121 for an "Improvement in Fastening Pocket-Openings" in 1873. Levi Strauss & Co. began manufacturing the first of the famous Levi's brand of jeans in San Francisco.

In Victorian Britain, trousers were known as ‘inexpressibles' or ‘nether integuments'.

The French novelist George Sand (1804-1876) was notorious for wearing trousers. Her refusal to act like a "real woman" made her popular among the artists and intelligentsia of her time and helped ignite the woman's revolution.

The first woman to be recorded wearing trousers as an article of fashion in a photograph was French actress Sarah Bernhardt in 1876.

During the 1920s and 1930s there was a widespread adoption of trousers by women. The bloomers of the preceding century evolved into lounging pajamas between the two World Wars. From the 1930s, slacks were worn for many leisure activities. 
Joan Crawford

Pat Nixon was the first First Lady to wear pants in public.

Women were not allowed to wear trousers on the US Senate floor until 1993 when two senators defied the ban. Later that year the rule was amended to allow women to wear trousers.

According to a survey in 2010, men wear trouser waists at their highest points, just seven inches below the armpit, at the age of 57. 

Sources Europress Encyclopedia, Comptons Encyclopedia, Daily Express, Daily Mail 


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