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Tuesday 1 August 2017

Paul Revere

While still a young man Paul Revere (January 1, 1734 - May 10, 1818) acquired a reputation as a designer and maker of elegant silverware; his finely wrought tankards, bowls, and pitchers were much prized, and his tea sets served the Boston aristocracy for a century.

J S Copley - Paul Revere

In addition to silversmithing, Paul Revere practiced dentistry in Boston. He learned the craft from a surgeon dentist and advertised himself as being prepared to fix loose false teeth and to clean dentures.

Revere also turned his manual dexterity to the making of artificial teeth and surgical instruments.

The silversmith Paul Revere and two other men made a midnight ride from Boston to Concord to warn the colonial militia of the approach of British troops on April 18, 1775.

Revere was a courier and soldier during the American Revolution. The American Patriots were worried that the approaching the British wanted to capture Patriot leaders John Hancock and Samuel Adams. The two leaders were staying in Lexington, Massachusetts. In addition, British officials had learned that American Patriots were storing guns in Concord, Massachusetts and they wanted to destroy the firearms.

As Revere rode through towns in Massachusetts, he actually shouted "The Regulars are coming out", not "The British are coming", since Massachusetts colonists still considered themselves British citizens at the time.

20th-century depiction of Revere's ride

Paul Revere took his midnight ride on a horse named Brown Beauty.

During his late-night ride, Paul Revere stopped in a town and got very drunk, causing him to be detained by the British in a field in the city of Lincoln, Massachusetts. The British soldiers held Revere for about an hour before letting him go. Because his horse was gone, Revere ran back to Lexington, where the fighting had already begun.

Revere was riding with two other men; William Dawes and Dr. Samuel Prescott. All three were stopped by British soldiers in Lincoln, but Dawes and Prescott escaped quickly.

After escaping, William Dawes fell off his horse. The third man, Dr. Samuel Prescott, was the only one who actually made it to their destination, Concord.

After the Revolutionary War, Revere operated a metal foundry in Boston.

1813 portrait of Revere by Gilbert Stuart

Revere died on May 10, 1818 in Boston, and was buried in the Granary Burying Ground.

In 1860, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote a poem called "Paul Revere's Ride," which revived Revere's fame.

Source Compton's Encyclopedia

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