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Tuesday 10 July 2018

Symphony No. 5 (Beethoven)

Beethoven's Fifth Symphony  in C minor was dedicated by the composer to Prince Lobkowitz and Count Raswnovsky. It's theme was of an individual overcoming all the trials that fate can bring. 

Cover of the symphony

Beethoven's friend and secretary Schindler described the symphony's "Da da da da" opening as "death knocking upon the door."

The symphony was drastically under-rehearsed at its premiere on December 22, 1808 in Vienna and Beethoven was criticized for the large orchestra required for the work.

The last movement of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony features one of the first instances that a trombone was used in a concert symphony. The first time was a year previously, when the Swedish composer Joachim Nicolas Eggert specified trombones for his Symphony in E-flat major.

During World War II, the famous "Da da da daa" opening bars' suggestion of Morse Code became the powerful symbol of "V For Victory," the effective call-sign for the Allied Forces. Many relished the irony of a German's music galvanizing the Allied effort to defeat the Nazi war machine.

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