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Saturday 8 February 2014

Cat Flap

Cat doors (often simple holes) in the walls, doors or even roofs of grain and flour storage spaces have used to welcome feral cats to hunt rodent pests that feed on these stores in rural areas since ancient times.

Geoffrey Chaucer described a simple cat hole in the "Miller's Tale" from his late 14th century Canterbury Tales. In the narrative, a servant whose knocks go unanswered uses the cat door to peek in.

The invention of the cat door was attributed to Isaac Newton (1642–1727) in a late 19th century story (authored anonymously). The author claimed that Newton made the flap to let cats into his study without spoiling his optics experiments. However, the inventor foolishly made a large hole for his adult cat and a small one for her kittens, not realizing the kittens would follow the mother through the large one.

The Oxford English Dictionary recorded the first use of the phrase "cat flap" in 1957.

It is estimated that about 74% of cats in the United Kingdom have access to the outdoors by means of a cat flap.

Source Wikipedia

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