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Wednesday 18 January 2017


The Pecan is a nut-producing tree native to southern USA and northern Mexico and now widely cultivated.

The tree grows to over 150 feet (45m) and the edible nuts are smooth-shelled, the kernel resembling a smoothly ovate walnut.

Pecan Tree Carya illinoinensis, 68-year-old tree from seed. By Bruce Marlin - Own work: 

The pecan tree is the only major tree nut that grows naturally in North America and the North American Indians were the first to cultivate it.

Because wild pecans were readily available, many Indian tribes in North America and Mexico used the wild pecan as a major food source during autumn. A milky fluid was extracted that was used in making corn cakes.

The name "pecan" is a Native American word of Algonquin origin that is used to describe "all nuts requiring a stone to crack."

In North America, pecan seeds were traded between Native Americans back into the 16th century. The seeds were a rich and buttery flavor and edible in many forms.

Thomas Jefferson was a remarkably progressive Virginia farmer as well as statesman. He was one of the first to set out pecan trees.

The pecan industry's success is due to a slave named Antoine, who was a gardener and expert grafter of pecan trees.

Sweet desserts like pecan pie are very popular in the southern United States, but pecans are also used in other dishes or just as fresh fruit.

There is a pecan pie vending machine in Cedar Creek, Texas. The machine is open 24/7, is stocked daily, and contains full-sized pies and other sweet pecan treats.

The average American eats between 3,000 to 5,000 calories at their Thanksgiving dinner. The item that does the most damage to your waistline is pecan pie. Each piece is said to be worth 503 calories.

The largest ever pecan pie weighed 41,586 lb. and was 50 ft in diameter. It was made in Texas by the El Paso Diablos Baseball Club in 1999. The crust was created with 3,471 pounds of flour, 2,085 pounds of shortening, 170 pounds of sugar, 170 pounds of powdered milk and 3,000 pounds of water. The filling contained 1,500 pounds of pecans, 13,350 pounds of sugar, 850 pounds of margarine, 200 pounds of salt, 6,700 pounds of eggs, 210 pounds of vanilla and 9,700 pounds of corn syrup.

Source Food For Thought by Ed Pearce

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